Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn (Swedish)

    Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn (Swedish)

    Author:Astrid Lindgren
    Director:Lasse Hallström

    "In the remake of All us children in the Noisy Village, we get to go along on a trip to Astrid Lindgren's own childhood land in Småland.The Noisy Village really only consists of three houses: Norrgården, Sörgården and Mellangården. Sisters Britta and Anna, Olle and his little sister Kerstin, and Lisa with brothers Lasse and Bosse live here. When they grow up, Lisa will marry Olle, Britta with Lasse and Anna with Bosse so that they can stay in the Noisy Village for the rest of their lives. That's what Lisa, Britta and Anna have decided and that's how it will be, even if Lasse, Bosse and Olle aren't particularly fond of the girls' plans. But for now, adulthood is far away and now the Noisy Village children have just had their summer holidays and lots of wonderful adventures await during an almost endless series of free, lazy summer days. Although it's clear, when you have to help thin out turnips, you're neither lazy nor free... It's lucky that it only happens once during the entire summer vacation!All of us children in the Noisy Village is a story about the idyllic life of the childhood country. The film - which was directed by Lasse Hallström - takes place in the 20s, and the recording was made in the village of Sevedstorp where Astrid Lindgren's father grew up: in the middle of the scenic Småland where the stress of the big city is far, far away.No better filming location could be found than Sevedstorp, the small village with three houses in a row where Astrid's father grew up in the middle farm and which served as a model for Astrid when she wrote the books. When Astrid got there and met the film children, she told them that maybe they could hear Samuel August whispering at night. Nerbyn, as the small group of houses is called, is now a big tourist magnet in the summer with rows of tourist buses every day.The outdoor scenes are recorded in Sevedstorp, but not the indoor scenes. The owners of the houses stayed while the filming took place. When you wanted to record Anna waking up Lisa by pulling a string when they were about to escape, you had to wait until the news and the weather on TV had ended, otherwise the sound would have been included in the film. Most filming locations were found nearby and many of the residents of the area participate as extras or as stand-ins for the child actors, among other things the school scenes are recorded with the children of the village. The dog Svipp was played by a dog called Acke who always thought you said "sit" when you said "Svipp", so he sat down instead of coming. Halfway through filming, they had to replace the dog with another, whose coat was a little too light and therefore had to be covered with shoe polish so that it looked like the first dog.All we children in the Noise Village and the sequel More about us children in the Noisy Village were also shown as a television series in seven episodes in 1989."

    Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn Box set (In swedish)

    Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn Box set (In swedish)

    The Children of Noisy Village
    11.00 EUR
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